Kwathu Kollective


Operations & Administration

Meet our Administrative Team


Nthanda Manduwi

Business Development, Knowledge Management, Digital Dissemination.

Managing Director

Rhoda Kamwaza

Business Administration, Financial Planning, Budget Implementation.


Victor Gondwe

Strategic Planning, Resource Mobilisation, Partnership Engagement.


Prisca Kamnkhwani

Business Administration, Financial Management, Procurement Management.


Research & Knowledge

Meet our Research and Business Development Specialists

Knowledge lead

Judith Kumwenda

Innovation Research, Strategic Communication, Resource Mobilization.

projects lead

Linda Mchawi

Project Implementation, Knowledge Management, Monitoring & Evaluation.

Business Development Expert

Alex Kachepa

Strategic Planning, Business Development, Digital Marketing.

business Development Expert

Peter Makwete

Business Management, Business Development, Capacity Building.


Information & Technology

Meet our Digital Innovation Specialists

Innovation Lead

Wiza Jalakasi

Financial Technology, Community Engagement, Venture Capital.

ICT Expert

Rebecca Chifungo​

Business Information, Tech for Development, Capacity Building.

ICT Expert

Panji Harawa

Strategic Planning, Resource Mobilization, Internet Governance.

ICT Expert

Joseph Chitekwere

Digital Transformation, IT Systems Administration, Website Development.

ICT Expert

Edwin Mwanza

Systems Administration, Data Science, Capacity Building.

ICT Expert

Dennis Makwakwa

Software Engineering, Website Management, Capacity Building.


Data & Media

Meet our Digital Production and Dissemination Specialists


Pride Musemwa

Creative Direction, Media Creation, Video Editing.


Benedict Sam

Creative Direction, Content Creation, Digital Marketing.

Graphics Expert

Bill Chibisa

Logo Design, Brand Identity, Data Visualisation.

Graphics Expert

William Chipula

Graphic Design, Media Production, Creative Support.

Across Africa

Get Involved

As integral hubs of the Kwathu Kollective, Kwathu Koworking Spaces are dynamic centres of innovation and collaboration spread across Africa. These spaces provide vibrant environments where entrepreneurs, creatives, and professionals come together to work, connect, and grow. With state-of-the-art facilities, flexible workspaces, and a supportive community, Kwathu Koworking Spaces empower individuals to pursue their passions and drive positive change. Our hubs are more than just places to work—they are communities designed to foster creativity, inspire innovation, and build lasting connections that transcend borders. 

Join us fulltime

Become a part of the Kwathu Kollective, and become a part of our fulltime core team at the Kwathu Kowork Spaces.

Join us parttime

Kwathu Konnect

Get involved in your spare time. Attend a Kwathu Konnect event, and connect with our core team to discuss how you can contribute.

Young Professionals Training

M'mawa Apprenticeship

Gain professional experience. Apply for the M’mawa Apprenticeship programme, and kickstart your career in the company of fellow young professionals.


Our Kollective in Training

Read our updates on recent trainings and workshops.