Trainings Commencement (Malawi Wanga) | KWATHU UPGRADE

In February 2024, Ntha Foundation was selected as one of the supporting hubs for the Muzi Ecosystem initiative, part of the “More Income and Employment in Rural Areas – MIERA II” project by GIZ in Malawi with funding of 25,000 euros. The project, titled Kwathu Upgrade: Malawi Wanga, focuses on supporting individuals in tourism-related trades by providing digital and entrepreneurial skills in Salima and Zomba.

In May 2024, Ntha Foundation commenced its training programmes at Salima Technical College and Zomba Vocational Technical College, partnering with these institutions to train 60 selected trainees involved in tourism focused businesses such as curios and memorabilia, cultural heritage groups, tour guides, and owners of hotels, restaurants, and bars. This three-months project includes business incubation where trainees will learn about social media essentials, SEO, digital marketing, digital branding, the Business Model Canvas, and participate in learning visits. The project will culminate in July 2024 with the Bants2Business: Malawi Wanga Pitch Night, where sub-grants of 1000 and 800 euros will be awarded to the top 2 entrepreneurs.


The Kwathu Upgrade is an initiative that looks to impart practical skills and knowledge to entrepreneurs in Malawi and beyond who are lead players in the fields of Innovation & Technology, Media & Communications, Fashion & Design, Music & Dance, as well as the Arts & Crafts. The platform focuses on providing capacity to young creatives and entrepreneurs in the Music, Arts, Fashion, Media, and Innovative Technology with skills that will formalize their trades. The Kwathu Upgrade project is executed in the form of editions, centering around various sectors of the creative industry.

Work With Us

Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Business Development Associate; Ms. Abigail Zingani via, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.

To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hub the Kwathu Kollective, our initiatives and our projects, follow us on socia media:




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